Parasite Control & Prevention

Protecting your pet against internal and external parasites.

A parasite prevention plan is a proactive method that protects your pet, and your community of animal lovers from parasitic infestations. Keep in mind that when we detect a parasite, like heartworm, in a pet’s system this indicates that other pets in the area may be vulnerable. However, if your pet is regularly given preventative medicine, there is some security in knowing that they’ll be safe. To learn more about parasite prevention and what you can do to help your pet, call us at 905-597-7373.

How do parasite prevention plans benefit my pet?

Parasite prevention medicine is meant to be administered on an ongoing basis. In the long run, it leads to a lot less concern when or if there is a parasitic outbreak in your region. This is especially relevant in the summer, when mosquitoes (carriers of heartworm) and ticks are rampant. Keeping your pet safe also keeps your family safe. Pets can bring parasites in your home, which can infect your furniture, rugs and potentially your food.

Do you only offer one prevention plan or are there different kinds?

The prevention plans we offer depend on your pet’s health and environment. Either way, we can recommend topical and oral medicine that will protect your pet from intestinal worms and insects that can live on your pet’s fur and within their internal organs. This is also a great opportunity for us to test your pet and follow up on their health. We also offer individualized flea control programs. We develop programs for your pet’s specific needs and we consider their particular environmental situation. We will review with you the best ways to control fleas (and other parasites) in your house, in your yard and on your pet.

What parasites does your prevention plan fight?

There are internal and external parasites. The internal parasites are usually worms, such as tapeworm, roundworm and heartworm. They can enter your pet’s system through ingestion or through an insect bite. External parasites, like mites, fleas and ticks, live on your pet’s skin and can be very irritable for your pet. You can tell if your pet has these parasites if they are itchy, licking themselves excessively or the parasites are visible on their fur during baths or grooming.

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