Ultrasound and X-ray for Pets

Contact our team to schedule your pet's next visit to the vet.

In order to provide optimal treatment to your pet, we need diagnostic tools that give us pristine results. Our modern X-ray equipment provides high quality radiographs to aid in the quick diagnosis of many disorders. We also provide ECG (electrocardiography) services on-site, which are followed by consultations with cardiology specialists. Our veterinarians are happy to answer your questions when it comes to your pet’s results. To learn more about our ultrasound and X-ray services, as well as how they can benefit your pet, call us at 905-597-7373.

Why would my pet need an ultrasound or X-ray?

We use ultrasounds and X-rays to look inside your pet’s body. It gives us instant results and allows us to treat any abnormalities we find. We’re often looking for injuries, objects your pet may have consumed, inflammation or irregular growth. If we cannot find the cause of your pet’s discomfort, we will try different diagnostic tests to give us a clearer image.

What’s the difference between an Ultrasound and an X-ray?

Ultrasounds and X-rays have their individual strengths. There’s a difference in how they’re administered and the type of results they produce.

Ultrasounds: During an ultrasound, your pet’s fur may be shaved, only in the afflicted area, and the gel is placed on their skin for the probe to glide smoothly. Ultrasounds use sound waves to create an image of your pet’s internal system. It provides a detailed image of their muscles, joints and internal organs. We can spot pregnancies, growths, arteries and more.

X-rays: An X-ray, also known as radiography, uses protective gear to shield your pet from being exposed to radiation. A light ray is focused on the afflicted area, which then penetrates through your pet’s body and provides an image of their bones and organs. We use X-rays to examine the condition of your pet’s teeth, chest and abdomen.

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