Vet Referrals

Providing specialized care to support your pet’s needs.

Our top priority is ensuring your pet receives the best care, whether that’s with us or in the hands of another veterinary professional we trust. Our hospital is familiar with all kinds of animal specialists in the city and encourages our clients to visit them. When we contact them, we will share your questions and concerns so they’re prepared for your upcoming appointment. They will also be informed of your pet’s medical history so they’ll know how to accommodate them properly. To learn more about our referral practices and our roster of veterinary specialists, call us at 905-597-7373.

Do we have to take a referral even if we prefer your services?

Yes. If for any reason we cannot give care directly to our furry patient, we provide references to veterinary locations that specialize in your pet’s needs. From hydrotherapy sessions to emergency vet hospitals, we have all the resources you need. For the benefit of your pet’s health, we would rather direct you to a doctor who is an expert in your pet’s medical condition. If there are any other options, we will discuss them with you prior to making the referral.

For what services do you provide referrals?

We offer referrals for a variety of medical conditions and therapeutic services, including internal medicine consultations. Our in-hospital referrals involve an internal medicine specialist who performs ultrasounds, endoscopic procedures and helps us with the diagnosis of more complicated cases. However, in some cases our referrals will direct you to another location.

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